Programs of C++
- Write a C++ program to swap the values of a pair of integers using reference variables
- Write a program in C++ to dynamically allocate the memory to an array takes the input to the array and display the same array
- Write a C++ program to read a matrix of size m * n from the keyboard and display the same on the screen using class and object
- Write a C++ program to print the table of any number entered by the user up to 15 times where 15 should be a default value to the function
- Write a C++ program to sum hours and minutes of two objects into a third object by passing object as an argument to the function
- Write a C++ program which should show the constructor overloading
- Write a program in C++ to read a string and display the same string in the reverse order
- Write a C++ program which overload the unary post and pre increment operator
- Write a C++ program which should represent the concept of bridging two classes
- Write a C++ program where a function which is not the part of the class can access the private data member